Our Approach to Window Washing

Every building’s window cleaning needs are unique. From office high rises to stadiums to shopping centers, Corporate Cleaning Services addresses even the most difficult-to-clean properties. Client satisfaction is assured through a step-by-step approach that is unmatched in the industry:

  • Individual property assessments are made in preparing a proposal
  • A customized work plan is created so window cleaning teams perform jobs thoroughly, efficiently and safely
  • Jobs are auto-scheduled and confirmed via email
  • Supervisors assigned to each building personally monitor all visits
  • Each window washer carries a cell phone, and supervisors utilize iPhones and Androids to respond immediately to any concerns or requests
  • Rapid response is provided for emergencies, special needs and inclement weather rescheduling
  • Supervisors are available 24/7

Considerable lengths are taken to document the level of service provided to each client. Follow-up surveys are sent after each job to provide an additional opportunity for feedback. At job completion, the company’s president emails the Property Manager to ensure his or her satisfaction.

Work Implementation Process

Corporate Cleaning Services, upon receiving the contract for window washing, will conduct a review of the window washing tasks and suggest a tentative washing schedule for the building, based on the original specifications of the bid submitted. Once a schedule has been confirmed, Corporate Cleaning Services will then alert the building management and engineers via email in advance of the washings. A suggested window washing date is sent to the property manager the month prior to reconfirm the scheduled date, and a final reminder is then sent the business day before the scheduled cleaning.

Schedule confirmations are sent out the month before, followed by a reminder the day before.

Daily e-mail notifications of work status.

We can be contacted and respond on a 24/7 basis.

We do not charge extra for overtime or weekend work.

Fully licensed by the State of Illinois to provide Spiderkill applications.

Three full time Project Managers, who are dedicated to supervision only.

Every employee has received 4 hour fall protection training, crew leaders have been equipped with 10 hour OSHA training and all supervisors and management have 30 hour OSHA training.

All crews are uniformed; all equipment is clearly marked from our company.

Automated surveys are sent on completion of work.

Staff Communication

Corporate Cleaning Services is the largest all-union window washing company in Chicago, with over 90 full-time window washers. All operational staff and foremen have iPhones or Androids so they can be reached via email and phone 24 hours a day to deal with scheduling and staffing issues. Therefore, we are always able to adjust our staffing needs in the event of additional work tasks or special projects. Corporate Cleaning Services holds monthly “All Staff” meetings (all window washers and operational staff and management must attend), which are designed to review relevant customer service issues, updates on industry rules and regulations, and to review safety and training procedures. Our Chief Operating Officer, Director of Operations, Director of Safety and Compliance, and Foremen also hold weekly meetings to ensure safe practices on the job sites are maintained.

No Independent Contractors

Corporate Cleaning Services only employs full-time, professional window washers who are all members of Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local #1 – the window washing union. We do not use any “independent contractors.”

Corporate Cleaning Services strives to maintain an environment free from discrimination and harassment, where employees treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. It is a violation of company policy to retaliate against anyone for filing a complaint regarding this policy.